25.04.2019 – Less accidents thanks to better safety

“Behind every single accident at work lies a personal fate, which in part has major effects on the company as well as the family and social environment of the victims. That’s why it is important for us all to work together for a safe, healthy and sustainable construction industry.” Klaus-Richard Bergmann, Chief Executive of BG BAU

According to a press release from BG Bau dated 03 September 2018, the number of accidents at work fortunately continues to decline. The reason for the general decline in the number of accidents is, among other things, the increased safety awareness of companies. The accident rate also declined again, to 53.64 per thousand people in 2017. Nevertheless, the number of fatalities increased in the same period, from 77 in 2016 to 88 in 2017.

Important to mention is that in 2017 there were more than 21,000 fall accidents, which accounted for a full of 20.5% of total registered occupational accidents. Unfortunately, crashes accounted for as much as 37.5% of all fatal accidents at work. Mr. Bergmann comments: “The rules and regulations for protection against crashes, such as side protection, barriers at work surfaces, safety gantries and safety nets must be consistently observed and implemented […]”

We as Vivatec Safety GmbH fully support this view and want to work together in the future to ensure that the highest possible value is given to construction safety. Even if the general accident figures are declining, the fatal accidents in particular show that more has to be invested in construction site safety.

Our principle is still: every accident is one too many.

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